Happy Birthday Poems - The Best Present Ever

I’ve gone to many birthday parties, and to my liking, a postcard with a birthday verses written on is often looked forward by the hosts. Although the main purpose of people coming to the party is not to send a birthday postcard but to talk to each other about matters in the daily life and above all, to gather and share the happy moment together, a beautiful present with all the wishes and congratulations will be always be an essential ingredient. There are certain phrases which are very common to a birthday parties, and the repetition of the same appears monotonous to other guests.
There are some very famous quotes that the next time you go to a birthday party. I ensure that all these phrases will make distinctive effect on the birthday person when they are spoken in an attractive style fill of skill and exquisite oratory. Millions people celebrate their birthday every day, so there’s little chance that you don’t run into a birthday party once or twice a week. Among lots of birthday present that will be placed on the table in the middle of the hall, you want to make your own present unique. So why don’t you try to add a meaningful birthday verses written on the birthday cards. Get one of the Internets or make it yourself, whatever, and send the message of love to your dearest friend. Good luck

///birthday poems 1 ///

Happy birthday (to whome ever belong) ~ by hot 'N cold

it is your birthday
filled with cheer
it is your birthday
this year
hope it is happy
hope it is fun
and I also hope you find the 'one'

///birthday poems 2///

All the Birthdays in a Row ~ by Samuel Stuart Pennell

Every day of the year, a person's birthday
Like a thousand birthday candles stretched to the horizon,
marking the days of the calendar

///birthday poems 3///

Lost Treasure Chest ~ by Christina Sunrise

Magical treasure chest made of gold,

has in it many stories to be told.

On one uneventful day,

Golden treasure chest was taken away.

I had it packed in back room with shoes,

that’s when someone decided to lose,

my treasure chest right on site,

hide it from me with all their mite.

Luckily I went to store

found 20 treasure chests more galore.

Painted one up really quick,

I had a art show party within a week.

Watercolor paintings of Melodie,

hang on wall for children to see.

see along with Krendoll island set,

They would play on it and not forget

Forget the magic of Krendoll island I did make,

with birthday props like birthday cake.

Art show birthday party at Mexican Bizarre,

I set up the birthday party with a star.

Children showed up to find presents and unfreeze,

dragons that would begin to sneeze.

Once they had the heat device,

which was magical and would suffice,

To melt the spell on them,

Making them turn into birthday child’s friend.

Birthday child friends come alive,

They would have to find the birthday child.

Once Ice Spell broken, Birthday child would be all smiles.

Birthday child would receive a birthday crown

and beautiful birthstone gown.

From magical golden treasure chest,

the one that would become magical and the best.

Making birthday child’s wishes be recorded inside,

the magical treasure chest’s Krendoll Chronicles it would reside.

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